Dane County Process Servers
One Process Server to Handle All of Dane County
Dane County is the second most heavily populated County in Wisconsin, after Milwaukee County. It is home to Madison, the State and County seat. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of papers served in Dane County. Many process servers charge mileage and attempt fees for each paper. With Lake Monona and Lake Mendota effectively cutting the county in half, service fees can really add up if you don’t go with Southeast Wisconsin Process.
We handle personal, government and corporate services all at low, flat rates.
Whether you need a government office served in downtown Madison or need to serve an individual in Stoughton, you’ll pay a low, flat rate regardless of the type of papers we’re serving. We do offer discounts if you have multiple papers going to the same entity on a single case, helping keep your costs down when serving several government agencies at the same location.
You won’t find a faster, more affordable way to serve CT Corp, CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service or State Government agencies than Southeast Wisconsin Process.
We serve every city, town and village in Dane County, including:
- Albion
- Belleville
- Berry
- Black Earth
- Blooming Grove
- Blue Mounds
- Bristol
- Brooklyn
- Burke
- Cambridge
- Christiana
- Cottage Grove
- Cross Plains
- Dane
- Deerfield
- DeForest
- Dunkirk
- Dunn
- Edgerton
- Fitchburg
- Madison
- Maple Bluff
- Marshall
- Mazomanie
- McFarland
- Medina
- Middleton
- Monona
- Montrose
- Mount Horeb
- Oregon
- Perry
- Pleasant Springs
- Primrose
- Rockdale
- Roxbury
- Rutland
- Shorewood Hills
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Stoughton
- Sun Prairie
- Vermont
- Verona
- Vienna
- Waunakee
- Westport
- Windsor
- York
Remember, we charge flat rates based on the County where service takes place. Some cities, like Edgerton, are in more than one County. If you are unsure exactly where your serve is located, please give us a call and we’ll let you know.